Tag: blog
Blog Crashed: A Mandatory Move
估计是000webhost知道我最近生活单调,没有什么东西可写,故而找点事情给我做做。自从11月16日早上我发现没有收到例行的Wordpress DB Backup的邮件,我就知道要坏事儿。直到我准备使用Live Writer来更新博客时候,才发现悲剧已经降临了。Live Writer提示找不到博客[……]
The Past Month: A Miscellaneous Comment
Writing a Mathematical Equation on Your Blog
In fact it is quite rare for a blog writer to put some mathematical models on the blog unless it is an article related to some very professional cours[……]
Reading the Blogs: The Way You Understand Him
Personal Website in China: How Far Can It Go?
China, quite an unique country that owes dual standards on the information regulations. That is, the restriction on the public discussion on some poli[……]
Writing my blog with my email
While scanning the help offered by blogger.com, I happen to see an option on how to send my blog with my email box. It is obviously quite significent[……]
Writing my blog with my handset
After some attempts, I really see how to write a blog with my nokia 6030 by Opera Mini, a kind of browser enables a Java based Symbian handset to use[……]