This is an exercise for my coming GRE Analytical Writing section, if you are interested, please provide me some suggestions on how to improve the writing skills. The reason why I upload them here is because I find the titles from the analytical writings, especially that for issues, are really good topics that can evoke our thinking in depth.
Thanks for your comments and they are always welcome
Following is the original article that i wrote:
Nowadays people are becoming so eager to succeed that they are becoming quicker to take action but rather than taking a good consideration before that. In fact, with a fast speed of working and higher efficiency of action sometimes do provide us greater production. However, such quick reactions can hardly always work.
An adequate thorough thinking for some actions that are to be taken is beneficial, especially for some important decisions. A common experience that can convince us is that we can make a decision in seconds, but we can never finish an intricate task in seconds. Putting a pre-determined decision into practice involves many steps that we can hardly reach wholly in a flash, and a thorough thinking brings us the new opportunity on such thinking. A good example for this is making a plan for a chemical experiment. It is the truth that an initial plan can be made in quite a quick action, while, more importantly, we should examine and reconsider the very steps during this procedure, on the medicine we use, the controlling group we set, and the equipment that we may ask for. Without such intense thinking on realms of this experiment, various problems can occur during the coming procedure, and, some fatal errors that we failed to realize prior to their occurrence can sometimes directly turn this experiment into failure.
And such thinking can take something that we miss at a first glance into consideration, such as the consequence of some actions that can bring us great influence. Suppose that a local government is thinking about a project of the establishment of an industry that can produce high pollution to the environment, but its establishment can boost the economic growth as well. Taking the viewpoint of short-seeing, a kind of thinking method that only covers the influence or that consequence of a specified event in a short period, the local government would pass the decision of the establishment on the consideration of the economic growth. But once the staffs take reconsideration on such plan in depth, more or less, he or she would think about the pollution matters. And a professional evaluation can then be taken, which involves professors and experts on environmental science, to suggest the magnitude of its pollution on local environment. Once the cost on environment is higher than the economical profit, we suggest it as the result of evaluation, this project would be denied rather than the acceptance.
But a fast reaction can make as being competitive to the other opponents, which is of great significance contemporarily. This frequently occurs in business world. An investing analyst working for an investing firm would require taking intermediate action when they find an investing opportunity rather than a time costly reconsideration; otherwise the opportunity would never be back. The other example exists in the industry of manufacturing, a competitive industry nowadays. The key determinants of the profitability of a firm are depending on whether they can turn a good design into productivity with adequate high efficiency. Only when being with high productivity that the firm can get the dominant role in industry and be profitable. Any delay on this procedure can be consequential.
In sum, taking good consideration before the action can help people be more aware of the possible difficulties and problems that they can probably meet, and such thinking also offers people an intense understanding on the steps that would involved in their actions. What’s more, such consideration can prevent people from making some errors taking quick action but missed the awful consequence it can induce. But admittedly, under some occasions, quick actions are required; a delay on action can lose the opportunity sometimes.