Some Words on Earthquake in Haiti

If you are watching the CNN News daily you would find the earthquake that happened in Haiti some days ago is now a hot event. CNN, FOX, ABC and CBS are all focusing much on this event. Taking CNN for example, the most frequent channel that I am watching these days, they are broadcasting the news on this earthquake in 24*7 mode with frequent remote connection with the journalists in Haiti, delivering the latest news to the audio in front of the TV set.  For the details and developing of this event, please visit related sites on CNN directly. In fact, the earthquake has been raised to the first rank for the hottest topics.  The two following graphs on worldwide and China visits respectively provides additional evidence on this event.


This earthquake reminds me of the days when the earthquake happened years ago in Wenchuan, Sichuan of China. It was such a great disaster that the whole China was suddenly dropped into the sadness. As is told by a friend who was just a student in Sichuan that time, the earthquake would be deeply impressed in her heart that can never be forgotten. So now, I fully understand who would the Haiti be at present. Such feeling is enhanced when I saw the terrible videos through the CNN. The reports from CNN bring me a new understanding on the styles on the news delivery in US.

Undoubtedly, a comparison on the news reports and the governmental announcements can bring us better understanding to the differences between the culture in China and that of the West. The rescue of this earthquake is to be an opportunity for the US to exhibit both its respect on human rights as well as the high technology that is adapted in this rescue. Admittedly, the rapid response of the US for this earthquake lays on two reasons: one is its short geographic location, the other is the care about the US citizens in Haiti.

A first difference that I find on the news reports is its focus. In CNN reports, they are caring on two key points. One is the medical condition. We can see frequently from the remote connections to the Haiti where the journalists are concerning about the poor medical condition. There is no information on the doctors who are working for the rescue, even no interview, but only about the patients. Still remember what we saw in China? We were watching the efforts from the doctors who are working for the treatments, but no information on the patients and treatments themselves. Can the equipment and medical conditions satisfactory at that time? I don’t think so. The only explanation for this is that we are caring more about the individuals but the westerners are not.

The other difference observed on the news reports is about the children. The both the CCTV and CNN are caring about the situations of the children, they are still under some different. Similar to the attitude towards the medical conditions and doctors, one or two boys (girls) are presented as the symbol. But in a CNN report, we are informed that there are so many orphans now in Haiti, and they want help. A good example is the large photo on the front-page of CNN.

I don’t know whether it is from the difference on the cultural basis that renders all these differences. It is hard to tell which is better. But admittedly, the way that CNN delivers its news can bring its watchers better understanding on the whole development of an event.  I am not an expert on media, and I don’t know if the medias in China should learn from CNN for a more transparent and effective way of delivering the news. But, I do prefer the CNN style.

The CNN reports bring me an associate product, the understanding of the unofficial organization in US.  Still remember President Bush and Clinton? They have just founded a fund organization aiming at allocating donations and offering help for the sufferers in Haiti. A website named ‘Clinton Bush Haiti Fund’ has been settled. I don’t want to deny the political incentive of this fund, but they do good things.

With there would be more survivors in Haiti, God bless you all!


4 thoughts on “Some Words on Earthquake in Haiti”

  1. 该死的央视,把我对海地地震的看法都扭曲了。

    1. 哈哈,是啊,其实看下CNN,你就会发现,我们某台的报道力度远远不及人家。更重要的是,角度不一样,尽管大家都以”人“为本。

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