Category: Daily Life
Enjoy Yourself, But Not Others
Mid-Autumn Day: Share With My Friends
今天是传统的中国节日——中秋节。古人都有在此日聚友欢庆,把酒赏月,吟诗作赋的传统。但很多诗句都透有思乡的情怀。如李白在《月下独酌》中写道“花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。”而透着点点凄凉; 王建则在《十五夜望月》中以“中庭地白树栖鸦,冷露无声湿桂花。今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家[……]
Patriotism: Your Home and Your Country
It is hard to tell whether it is the years of political education in China seems to be too boring that the new generation of 80s and 90s are starting[……]
H1N1: Is It That Serious?
Personal Website in China: How Far Can It Go?
China, quite an unique country that owes dual standards on the information regulations. That is, the restriction on the public discussion on some poli[……]
Wal-Mart in Suzhou: A New Branch
Flight Change: An Alternative Choice
There are only 3 days left for my summer vacation due to my schedule of going back to Wuhan to continue my preparation for GRE and my admission to the[……]
Staying at Home: A Review of My Summer Vacation
It is getting more difficult to remind myself of the old times when I was still a boy that was interested in wandering around the garden in my grandma[……]
Liquor: Can they mean everything?
Quite occasionally I earned a chance to talk to Yin, a staff working in Ernst & Young. After the accomplishment of the talk on some professional[……]